After two years of silence...other than Twitter...I'm back! For the past four years I have been focusing on my "new" role as Instructional Coach. I decided to step away from the blogging and TpT world in order to give my role the attention needed. There are times that I still don't know how I managed and juggled everything when in the classroom, as do most of you. I'm still in awe!
During the past four years I have learned so much, worked hard, and built amazing relationships with my teachers. I am excited for the upcoming school year and can't wait to share it all with you.
Looking forward to next year I am working on making a few goals, goals that will help me become a better educator, instructional coach, mother, wife, and person.
Over the past few years I have had the privileged to study and attend professional development by Eric Jensen. During his PD he presents the idea of "gutsy goals" and "micro goals". The idea of a gusty goal is to set the bar high,SUPER high. Micro goals then become the path to obtain the gutsy goal.
Sometimes I feel we get so overwhelmed with the gutsy goal that we get lost and eventually give up. The key is in the micro goals. I ran across a Twitter feed #onesmallthing (follow the # on Twitter and click here to go to the website) at the end of the school year, and thought it was the perfect way to help keep myself focused and not overwhelmed. It's also something I think I will incorporate in my building during small group/individualized PD (something I'll talk about in another post...it's AMAZING!).
So to begin my journey here is my first #onesmallthing
What is your #onesmallthing?
You can now follow me on Twitter @dandelionsteach and on Instagram @dandelions_and_dragonflies , one day I will get the buttons on my blog up to date!