Wednesday, May 9, 2012


The end of the year responsibilities are starting to overwhelm me! They are usually tough any year...the constant emails and reminder emails and then reminders about the reminder email filling up my inbox, the checklists, the book inventory, the names for awards, the awards, the report cards, the meetings....and of course don't forget those darling, so quiet, well behaved, constantly on task students!

This year it is a little more challenging for me...being at a new school this time of year has proven to be difficult. I feel like I don't know what I'm doing, or what to expect next so I can be prepared. This is very hard for me to accept seeing the my personality is organized, structure based, and well yes OCD. So I "just keep swimming"!

On a lighter note, I have been meaning to share yet another picture of THE hole that was in our playground. This picture definitely does it justice, it was taken by a much braver person than I....

This was the first day I dared to take a picture, and I told you it was MUCH deeper...that I could hear the voices of the workers, but could not see them!

This was THE hole...that same day, just a little bit later

Well it's all covered and yet another memory for the school year!

Finally my potato unit is once again updated with a vocab. page and two more days of lessons. We are working on our SS mapping lesson and Tater Traits (they brought in their cutie taters soon!)

Click HERE to get the updated unit!