
Sunday, July 6, 2014

Summer Reading: Texts and Lessons...and My Journal

Professional development book number two complete. It was more of a resource book read then a professional development book, but may be something I could use when teaching professional development.

It is an AWESOME resource! AWESOME!

The book: Texts and Lessons for Content-Area Reading by Harvey "Smokey" Daniels and Nancy Steineke

The book says it is geared for Middle School and High School students, but I could totally see 4th and 5th grade students using these as well...even if you don't use the articles they provide the lessons for the strategies are WONDERFUL!

The first 17 or so pages are set up as a "why use this book" and "how to use this book" section. Short and sweet with plenty of real classroom examples! 

Right after you have the strategy lessons and articles. Each lesson contains: time allowed, group setting, materials needed, steps, variations, model, tips, and sometimes web ideas. Again AMAZING!!! It what is even better...they ENCOURAGE you to copy copy copy! The last portion of the book is Text Set Lessons...which use multiple strategies taught in the first section and have the students go deeper in their thinking and explaining.

As I gear up for Summer School (starting tomorrow)...yikes. I reviewed my brainstorm from the end of the school year regarding what I am going to attempt, I jotted down in my journal on one of those restless nights when you brain goes 100 mph.

Which brings me to my next topic of "journaling". Yep journaling...not even a word, but I'm using it!

My dearest friend sent me a beautiful journal to start writing my thoughts and ideas whenever they came about. People use journals for different things, but when I hear the word journal I have two immediate thoughts...1. What I teach my kids to do  2. I journal...I blog!

I mean yes, I also journal in my classroom, but more in the way of modeling...and not so personal.

Others use journaling as a healing process; a way to move forward, remember, clear the head, etc.

Whatever reason you choose to journal, I highly encourage it. Even if you blog the good 'ole fashion paper pencil/pen is almost therapeutic...even if it's just lists and doodles or a combination (like mine).

So do you journal?