
Saturday, September 8, 2012

What's in a Name? (follow up)

Another week is done and I only posted once this past week...sad I know. This year has proven to be, well, crazy busy. With a new grade level (well sort of two of them), new required lesson plan format, weekly newsletter, new online services (including grade book which was OH SO much fun to figure out this past week)...well let's just say I'm just trying to keep my head above water! It's pretty exhausting and I'm going on almost 12 years of teaching.

So I tell you all of this to bring up the fact that I completely forgot to attach the What's in a Name WS that went along with my lesson using the book The Name Jar.

The initial lesson was a mini lesson on small investigations in writing. We were in the beginning of Writer's Workshop...making lists, and jotting ideas. This lesson discussed how students can conduct short investigations to research questions that the students may have. They could be questions that they think about a lot but don't know the answer or they can be questions about a topic that they are really passionate or curious about. (Side note: this website is GREAT for questions or as they say wonders of the day, or small investigations they can conduct...

I then read Chapter 2 of A Writer's Notebook by Ralph Fletcher. My students LOVED the chapter. It brought on so much conversation. I was also so excited to find this book can be purchased for your Kindle or Kindle app. 

They got a chance to then write their own investigation ideas or I wonder word splashes or webs in their writer's journal. The next day I read (or the same day if you have time), I read The Name Jar. We discussed how every one's name has a story, that they were going to conduct their own mini investigation...their name! I then sent home the What's in a Name WS for homework. The next day they were so excited to share what they had found out! Click to book picture to get the WS.

I hope your year is going well...keep an eye out I do plan on getting my camera back to school to take more pictures of interactive notes and some fun cell stuff! That is one thing I thought I would never and cell (I am so not a science teacher, but I am trying!!!!)