
Friday, August 10, 2012

What's In a Name

Again I am exhausted...I have completed my first week back to school, and first week back in fifth grade. There were a couple of times I had to stop, blink, and think "that's right they are 5th graders"...and they are breaking me in well. I only had a few moments of panic and worry, especially when I began looking over the Science content/book to plan for next week...oh my! But I have a great co-teacher that is keeping me calm.

There were a few little things I thought I would share with you from this week. First to answer a common question: Where do you get your ladybugs to decorate your room? Well the cartoon looking ones are from DJ Inkers and I think I picked them up from The School Box. The ones that I have attached to my clothes pins and sometimes wall for decoration are from Hobby Lobby, they are painted wood and were about .49 cents each (when on sale). Another common question is how to I put things on the board and walls...I LOVE hot glue!!! Yep use it for almost everything. It comes off the board easily as well as the wall...especially if you use a paint scraper type tool.

Now as for a few little lesson that you may be interested in...

The first was a writing lesson on mini investigations. This was a county lesson plan that was a way that the students could get ideas for writing. If you are familiar with Ralph went along with Ch2 in his book A Writer's Notebook (GREAT book!!!! the kids love it...and it's available for your Kindle, just downloaded it!). I talked about them making a list of things they would like to "investigate". We made an I WONDER bubble in the middle of the page and completed a splash of all their "wonders".

When the mini lesson was complete I read The Name Jar to the students (love this book)

I then gave them the assignment below...What's In a Name...I had seen many versions of this and couldn't find one with all the questions I liked, so I made my own. They had to do a mini investigation and find out about their name. They loved it...the next day we shared and learned more about each other. Well I am going to have to promise to attach it later, because my computer isn't letting me. 

Finally we ended the week using the Scientific Method and seeing what would happen to gummy bears when put in hot water and cold water. It was a lot of fun. I also found FUN song about the Scientific Method...I dare you to listen to it and not have it stuck in your head for the rest of the night.