
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Where did it go?

Okay so yes, it's 2AM and I am up. See my daughter was sick for four days, she would wake up around 3 and couldn't stop coughing...well four days is all it took to reschedule my sleep pattern! I will end up paying for this tomorrow. 

But as a teacher, and most of you know, you lay in bed and just start thinking about everything you need to do, everything you want to do, and of course everything you forgot to do. Well, my train of thought went toward the Math Common Assessment I forgot to give yesterday...therefore I have to give it today, on top of my County Benchmark Test (for those of you not familiar, it's much like a common assessment...but county wide, and formatted like a standardized test that they have to use a scantron for). So I am thinking, my poor students. I have had them for three days (again if you are new here, I was displaced and moved schools after a month into the year) and they are going to get slammed with tests in the morning. Then I remembered I had seen this fabulous idea to break up the "boringness" and routine of long class segments or in our case testing segments. 

A teacher had written or maybe even printed some simple activities/exercises for the students to do on Popsicle sticks. Things such as...10 jumping jacks, 10 cherry pickers...and so on. Well I was all excited thinking of how I would make my Popsicle sticks cute and of course which bucket I would use to store them in, then of course how I would blog about them! So when I finally gave into my sleeplessness and got on the computer I could not find the original idea! I checked my Pinterest, flipped through a few blogs, and NADA! Has anyone out there seen this? I don't really NEED to find it, because I have the general idea...but I do need more ideas of things the students can quietly do at their desks, yet get "the blood flowing" again.

Is there anyone out there in blog world that can help me???