
Friday, August 12, 2011

Freebie Friday!

So I think a good way to celebrate the end to my first week of school is to have a Freebie Friday. I have grand plans to post a few tutorials this weekend ..that will be in between making a mimio lesson for next week, grading a few papers, spending time with my family, filling a few bucket orders, cleaning my house, doing laundry, and running errands. The weekend isn't long enough!

Here they are!

This is how I store my clipboards in my room. I love that they are easy for the students to access, yet are out of the way. Hint: buy the cheaper hooks (it doesn't seem to matter which ones I use, I end up having to hot glue them anyway)

I could not find black with white polka dot calendar pieces (which is what I use to number ANYTHING in my room) so I made them...your lucky day!

Click Here to retrieve them!

Some of you read my behavior management blog, a little long...but it is working! Here is the label I used for the front of their folders, I included one with a piece of clipart so you wouldn't have to use stickers if you didn't want to.

Click Here to retrieve

And as a little bonus...some Reader's Workshop Headers

Click Here to retrieve!

And now it is time for this tired teacher to head to bed! (I hope my links and documents all work...this is my first time loading anything)